Gavi Says It Will Need $9B to Protect 500 Million Children and Save Millions More

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A vaccine-development group says it plans to save more than 8 million lives through its work over the next five yearsan ambitious goal that will require at least $9 billion in new funding.

Gavi, the global Vaccine Alliance, says it plans to protect 500 million children over the next five years, saving 8 million lives, Ghana Business News reports.

The group says it vaccinated 1 billion children between 2000 and 2020, but it plans to reach the next billion children in half that time.

The group says it plans to reach at least 50 million children with four doses of the malaria vaccine and 120 million girls with the HPV vaccine, saving 1.5 million lives.

Gavi says it will need at least $9 billion in new donor funding for this work.

In response, the US, France, Spain, the private sector, and philanthropy have pledged at least $2.4 billion toward the goal.

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Edited by: Michael Saunders

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